
Monday, October 10, 2011

This is literally going to be the longest three days I've ever experienced.  I hate when you're really excited for something and then all the time in between just takes forever.  Luckily/unluckily I'll be doing the never-ending readings and assignments for this week.  Also, I've been trying extra hard lately to pay close attention in Old Testament since I'm bombing the tests, and it's so hard to not start daydreaming, especially when I'm so excited for NH/finding out about Ireland.  I'm going to a missions fair tomorrow evening to check out the other trips and get excited about more opportunities so it won't be such a hard blow if i find out I'm not going to Ireland.  Also this freaking passport thing is making me nervous.  My mom has yet to mail me my birth certificate and I need it to apply.  What if I don't get it in time?  I know I'm going to be cutting it close even if I do get accepted.
I just need to chill.
I really want a taco.  We have such delicious mexican places here at school mmmm I just love it.  We also have this delicious indian place like twenty minutes away and oh is it fantastic.  Lucky for me, in an hour and twenty-three minutes I'll be eating lunch from lane!  Gross.
Also, this weather is pretty much pissing me off.  It's so stinking hot in my room and outside and it's a third into October.  Global warming.  Ruining my life.
Anyways, it's time for class.

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