
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sarah and I cooked a delicious dinner last night for three of our friends.  We cooked lemon garlic chicken, and roasted potatoes and asparagus.
It was fantastic.  I also baked lemon bars for the first time without supervision of Sarah!  They were well received.
Unfortunately, the dinner took a little longer than we had anticipated to cook, so we were all drooling by the time it was ready.  
Rachel eating the crumbs out of the pan before dinner.

Kesh&Laura eagerly awaiting the delicious delight.  Also, you'll probably never see a photo of Sarah on this page (or anywhere else) because she hates photos.
Also, speaking of Sarah, we watched that terrible movie Sunday night, Silence of the Lambs.  While she wasn't even phased by it, I was pretty much terrified.  What really freaked me out was that the bad guy is so brilliant, he could not be captured.  So who's to say he's not under my bed waiting to eat me in my sleep?  
Because of this, I went to check under my bed before I went to sleep, like any reasonable person who wants to survive would do, and what does my lovely roommate do just as I go to peer under the bed?  She shuts the light off.  Yes, bad roommate.
Anywho, I've since recovered from this terrible movie, and we only have Alice in Wonderland, When a Stranger Calls, The Invisible, and My Girl left.  By the way, I'd like to point out that it is Sarah who chooses the schedule for the movie weeks, and therefore twas her choice to put My Girl into horror week.

Exciting fact of the day:
In 8 days Kesh, Sarah, and I leave for New Hampshire for quad break!  So nice, so excited.  Kesh lives in the middle of nowhere New Hampshire which actually turns out to be the cutest getaway spot, because her town is adorable and so is her family.  Anywho, I'm really excited.
How lovely October is turning out already.

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