
About Me

I've been sitting here for ten minutes trying to decide how to begin this "About Me" section.
I suppose the most basic thing about me is that I'm a girl (woman?  lady?) and I'm a big fan of things that sparkle.
I have a sister named Heather and parents named Homeboy (Homie) and Lucia (Loo-shuh).
They're the strangest people you will ever meet, in all the best ways.
I write the way that I speak, so there will always be imperfections and grammatical mistakes and things that don't make sense, because you're reading my jumbled thought process.
Communication Arts (PR&Film), Gordon College, Class of 2014.
I write about these people a lot^ (Teebs, Kesha, me, Laura, & Lizzy/Lizard) as they are my closest of friends here at school, and I live with most of them.  I have four best friends from home that will also be mentioned from time to time (as I mostly write about the happenings while at school).
^(me, Stephanie, Beckie, and Greg)
I have a love for movies and stories.
My favorite color is green.
My name is Sarah.