
Monday, April 30, 2012

I was in a super good mood all day and kept texting Kesh and telling her things like how I felt like I was invincible and silly things like that.  Then the adventures began.
So it started out with getting assigned to my final project group in visual storytelling, which wasn't in itself an adventure but foreshadowed the eventful days of filming/writing/brainstorming ahead.  A few classes later I'm headed to babysit, like I do every Monday.  As I'm waiting in the empty house for the kids to come home, I notice a weird smell, almost like a wet blanket was hidden somewhere in the room.  And I'm watching Ellen on youtube and thinking about how weird it smells and the child comes home about fifteen minutes later, at which point I suddenly have a horrible headache.  And then it clicks.
I run over to the stove and notice the front burner is on full blast without the flame, and start to realize the danger.  So I run around the house opening windows and doors and telling the child (who likes to light candles) that if he lights a match we all die.  The scene ends with the child and I sitting on the lawn out front, waiting for the older kids to get home.
It's all good now and I've called the mother and checked all the pets, so crisis averted.
Also, I'm feeling pretty thankful that I turned off the burner before I passed out and died.
And then I go and drop off the middle child at gymnastics, return home, and the youngest informs me that he sent a hockey puck through a window in the house, shattering it.
So basically never get cocky about how good you are at life, because then you'll get hit with a bunch of crises.
But now I must go because I just heard the youngest scream followed by 'uh-oh...'

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Oh, the babies.  They kill me.
I did nursery this morning at my church and it was precious.  Minimal crying, lots of snuggling, and all the kids I was in charge of were potty-trained.  There's one little girl that is literally the most precious child ever.  She's this tiny little girl with giant green eyes and she's just so sweet.  She asked me what my name was, gave me a hug, and then introduced me to every child in the room.  She also told me I was pretty and that she loved me, which was adorable.
And then there was a ten month old boy that I carried around the whole time because every time I put him down he shrieked.  Oh, the cuteness.  It's probably the best way to start off the day.
And now I want a baby.
Alas, I must begin the day and get some work done.  I have a spanish essay due Tuesday and my documentary is do tomorrow, so there is quite a bit of editing and spanish ahead of me.
Happy Sunday :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

We are nearing our last full week of sophomore year!  I know people say all the time that semesters go so fast in college, but it's really so true.  The end has crept up on us and I am not ready!
Days left of class:
Astronomy: 5
Perspectives on com: 5
Visual Storytelling: 5
Spanish: 3

So weird.  I have a documentary, a short film, an an incredible amount of studying to do in the next two weeks.  Three weeks from today I'll be home.
Also, my sister turns 23 in three days, which is totally crazy to me.
Also also, I'm loving this chilly/nice weather but I'm more than ready for summer weather.  Anywho, it's time for me to finish my documentary and get a move on this studying.
Happy Saturday!

Friday, April 27, 2012

We didn't get the apartment!  I'm really not concerned though because we'll most likely get a room in Fulton and that will be infinitely better than Wilson, and it'll be cheaper than an apartment.  I really don't see a reason in being upset about the apartment because Fulton is great.  So, I'm excited.
Also I feel like freaking crap.
So annoying, I've been on and off with a fever and I'm totally out of it.
And instead of doing my homework for my next class I've been looking at picture of st bernard puppies.
oh, it kills me.
Kesha and I have this plan for when we graduate.  We want to move to some city (New York?  Chicago?) and get a pet-friendly apartment and buy a st bernard to protect us from bad city folk.
And he shall be named Maximus.
But of course this little puppy will be giant in no time.
he's just so big and cute.
I cannot wait.
As for now I'd better get to class before I die.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

You know what's annoying?
I have a newfound respect for my mom having to deal with my sister and I bickering for eighteen years.  Because right now I'm listening to the nine year old boy and fifteen year old girl bicker in the other room because the boy is breathing too loud and the girl cannot bear the noise.
It's insane.
Was I ever like this?!  They're going back and forth throwing childish insults and whining and ahhhhh.  It's maddening.
So now they are each in their separate rooms because I cannot take it anymore!
Ugh.  And now I shall watch Haywire and try to stay awake.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blogger has a new look and it's throwing me off.  That's always really annoying, when websites you frequently use change their layout and you don't know where anything is.  Suddenly I feel like my mother, unable to use a simple website.
Anywho, tis Tuesday night and I have not done anything productive.  Bummer.
But I have some exciting countdowns!
Till we find out about the apartment: 3 days
Till Classes End: 15
Till Finals End: 21
Till I go home: 24
Till work starts: 43
Till I finish work: 103
Till I'm 20 (barf): 104
Till I go to disney: 115ish

Oh, the excitement.  I'm particularly pumped about the apartment situation.  We applied last week (Kesha, Lizard, Tibbs, and I) to live in one of the two apartments on campus next year.  However getting into an apartment is pretty competitive and we have a few things going against us (age, possible disciplinary issues), so we shall see.  If we don't get the apartment, Kesh and Liz are gonna squat their rooms in Fulton and Sarah and I will move to Fulton next year.  Either way, I'm pumped.  Anywhere is better than Wilson.
It'll be exciting.
Also, things with la vida are going quite well so far.  I'm still an outsider among these pre-existing friendships within the co-workers, but most of them are really friendly and I think that once they get used to me we'll all be good friends.  I'm getting really excited about the whole thing!
Anywho, I'm gonna get some sleeeeep.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I love chapel time.  There aren't any classes between 10:10 and 11:25 so campus can go to chapel, and it's so nice.  Not that I go to chapel, I just love the allotted chill time, even if that's not its intended purpose.  I usually sit in the library and catch up on little things that need to be read and planned and manage my calendar and things due this week.  This time is essential in my Gordon career.  Maybe I can put that in the essay I'll have to write to graduate because I didn't get enough chapel credits.
Anywho, today is really gray and chilly and I'm dying to get some pajamas and curl up with a movie.  Unfortunately I have two more classes and then babysitting.  Fun fact: This is my most favorite kind of day.  Cold and rainy and wet.  I really love it, in a total non-sarcastic way.  Because there are few things better than getting snuggled in fleece pajamas after being cold and wet.
Also I'm trying to figure out what to do for Eli's birthday.  It's today, and he's working all day so I was gonna visit and surprise him with something.  But what?  An embarrassing display of balloons?  A cake?  I'd be all for the balloons except I don't know any nearby party stores or places with balloons.  Also, I have less than an hour to do this, whatever it is.  I get out of class at two and have to be at babysitting at three.  So I guess I'll just go to stop&shop and see what I can find.
Anywho I should probably get back to more productive things.
Happy rain day!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

So first off, The Lucky One sucked.  Don't see it.  All of you that are thinking "I told you so" and "what did you expect?" can cool it because I expected a Nicholas Sparks masterpiece on the same level as A Walk to Remember and The Notebook.  It's hit or miss with NS movies, and The Lucky One can be tossed in the miss pile along with The Last Song.
Anywho, it's that time of year again and the panic is setting in.  I'm so anxious!  The end of the year is so close yet so far and I have so many little things to do which are just the worst because they're so small and meaningless, yet so time consuming and necessary.  And my motivation packed up and left about a week and a half ago, so it's just me fighting this battle alone.
Also, I received wonderful news the other day.
Eli is staying in Massachusetts indefinitely.  Things in Michigan are on hold for now so he's not leaving yet!!!  Also his birthday is tomorrow, but that's just a fun fact.
Anywho, I'm getting really nervous because there are so many things coming up that I need to be preparing for (projects, finals, la vida bootcamp...) and I feel like I'm not off to a good start.  I expect a lot of myself and I when things seem like they're not going well I tend to quit and run before I have the chance to fail.  So this is me not quitting nor running, but instead freaking out.
Sometimes I just want to sit with someone over tea and exclaim my frustrations on life and how hard everything is.  But then I realize that there is not a single person that doesn't endure difficulties, so I have to pretty much suck it up and move on.
Okay it's time for bed.  Goodnight!
In twenty-five days I will be finished with my sophomore year.
I wanna throw up.
The good thing is that I don't have a disgusting amount of work to do in the next few weeks, just a normal amount.  Three (easy) papers and a documentary is about all there is standing between me and finals.
However, it's becoming quite difficult to finish these tasks.
For example, my first draft of my treatment/documentary is due tomorrow as well as an impossible reading of Tarkovsky and a bunch of discussion questions.
So what am I doing?  Getting ready to go see The Lucky One in theatres with Kesh.
Also, Golden Goose was on Friday and the boys did not disappoint.  More on that later.
Happy Sunday!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Countdowns & Catch-Ups

Classes left:
Spanish- 5
Perspectives on Communication- 9
Visual Storytelling- 8
Astronomy- 9

Yes.  That looks great.
Three weeks from today is reading day.  Four weeks is jury duty.
Also, Eli moves to Michigan in less than three weeks.  Moves away for good, and suddenly I feel like I haven't had enough time with him.  We've been friends for six years, and I've seen him regularly for the last two years, and i feel like it's still not enough time to be able to happily send him off to Michigan.
Oh, life.  The transitions are what get to me.  And I haven't really gone through any crazy big changes yet, aside from moving to college.
Also, I'm obsessed with the hunger games soundtrack.  It's kind of folky and depressing, but it's sooooo goood.
I feel like I want to be in the hunger games.  Sike, we all know I'd be the first to die.  But at the same time, Katniss's life is so exciting and meaningful and I'm envious.
Now that I've confessed my jealousy for a fictional character, I think I'll wrap this post up.
Happy Thursday!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

So I'm reading the hunger games in silence and all of a sudden a loud noise startles me and I jump.  There's a lone goose flying over the dorm outside my window honking like crazy in the dark.  And for the last five minutes as I sit here by the window all I can think of is how sad the goose's relentless honking sounded and how it reminded me of a little kid lost in a supermarket calling for his mom.
I hope the goose finds whoever it's looking for.
Anyways, now that I sound completely nuts, I'm going to tell you about the Hunger Games.
I saw the movie last friday and it was excellent.  Really really excellent.  I started the books yesterday because the movie was so good and let me tell you, the books are even better (as they should be).  I've heard that the series is supposed to be very gender neutral, but I really can't imagine any guy I know getting into this book.  I think it's great, I started it yesterday afternoon and I'm three chapters from the end.
Also, it finally happened: a wasp has made its way into our suite.  Sarah and I noticed in the fall that there was a wasp's nest outside of our window but figured it couldn't do any harm to us, being that the windows are thick and sturdy.  Or so we thought.  Since the weather's turned abruptly into spring, the wasps are back and I've been saying all semester that if one of those wasps get into our room somehow, I'm moving out because I know that will only be the beginning.
I do not like bees.  Wasps and hornets especially, but anything that buzzes with a stinger is borderline petrifying for me.  I'm not particularly afraid of spiders or ants or other bugs, but I lose it when it comes to bee-like creatures.  So, I go into the bathroom today and turn on my straightener, and what do I find on the wall next to the mirror?
A wasp.  So I turn off the straightener and book it, shouting to Tibbs and Kesha about what I've found on my way out.  And of course when they go in to investigate, it's gone.  Sneaky little insect.
Anywho about an hour or two later Laura and I go in again to find him once and for all, and I see him sitting in the bathtub between the shower curtains.  Lucky for me I have Laura the wasp-slayer, and the sneaky wasp is now dead and flushed.
But I'm serious about the moving out thing.  If this happens again I'm going to assume that the wasps have some easy entry between their nest and my room and will not live here until the nest is gone.  I freaking hate those things.
Anywho, I'm off to finish the book!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Oh, what a marvelous break. In order to prolong the joy, we aren't leaving until tomorrow morning, as I have a meeting with my advisor at noon to pick classes.
Right now Kesh and I are at this precious little cafe in her town doing homework.  I'm eating a grilled cheese/avocado/tomato sandwich and drinking blueberry green tea.  Oh, the joy.
Unfortunately I have a spanish essay due tomorrow at 2pm so I'd better get cracking.
Happy Monday!

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Adventures of Easter Break

Easter Break!  Finally finally finally.  I went to class yesterday and then Kesha and I loaded up Jiminy and headed to New Hampshire.  On the way I remember that my insurance card expired the day before, so I call my mom and ask her if I should be driving without it and she says no and I say awesome because I am anyways and she knows it.  We ignore the issue and move on.  In an effort to keep Kesh from taking photos of people in other cars out of boredom, we played the movie game.  Never heard of it?  
Well, the first person picks a movie that starts with A, like Alice in Wonderland.  Then the second person has to pick a movie title that starts with the first letter of the last word (W).  So I would say Wall-e, and since it is a one word title the next person would pick a movie starting with the last letter of the word (e) and so on.  It's my most favorite game.
Anywho so we stop at the library on the way to Kesh's house to rent some movies and oh, what a sight it was.  She's running around kissing the desk and shouting how happy she is to be home and oh man I don't think New Hampshire was ready for us.  
And then we get to her house and her mom makes us a delicioussss (and I cannot stress just how delicious) dinner, we laugh, we run around like crazy people, and then we decide to watch a movie before bed.  But as everyone knows, for a good girly movie night, you need ice cream.  So it's about 8:30pm and we get back into Jiminy, run to the store, grab some ben&jerry's, and start driving back.
And here's the thing.  I'm in the middle of nowhere, NH.  Dark, long, windy roads, no streetlights, no people.  Also, no obvious speed limit signs.  I see one in the distance for 50mph and go for it.  And then I notice an array of flashing lights making a u-turn to come up behind me.  And then I realize that yes, I am getting pulled over and Kesha informs me that I was speeding.  And then I think oh shoot, my insurance is expired.  Is my registration expired? I guess we'll find out.
Also, I've never been pulled over in my life.  Kesha is next to me shaking with nerves/fear and I'm trying so hard not to bust out laughing at the situation I'm in.  So two police officers get out, one a man and one a woman.  The woman goes over to Kesha's side which was hysterical in itself because Kesha has this irrational fear of police ladies, and the man came to my side and asked me all sorts of questions.  Is someone hurt?  Am I driving to a hospital for an emergency?  Am I driving back to New Jersey?  Why am I in New Hampshire?  Where am I driving to?  And finally, License and Registration?  And then he told me he pulled me over because I was going twelve miles over the speed limit and I pointed to the 50mph sign that was literally right in front of where I pulled over (strategic) and said I thought that was the speed limit and blah blah blah I politely tried to explain my innocence.  And then he started explaining NH roads and how it's difficult for a non-resident to get used to it and such.  Meanwhile the lady cop is asking Kesha if she's cold because Kesh is internally freaking out and shaking profusely as a result.  And then they go back to their car to process my license and such and Kesha continues to shake and be nervous.  It really wasn't a nerve-racking situation for me though.  I mean, I wasn't speeding on purpose, I had never been pulled over before, I'm not even from the state and we told them we were on break from college.  I didn't feel guilty, so it wasn't stressing me out.  And the worst thing that could happen was that I would get a ticket and that's just money, it's not a big enough offense to get points on my license or anything.  
Anywho he comes back and he gives me a little yellow paper with the glorious 'Warning' stamped at the top and tells me I just got out of a 77 dollar fine and to drive safely.  He was so nice.  Even if he has given me a ticket he was super duper nice and friendly.  In hindsight, twas a funny experience.  And a really good one.  It's like my magical disney tattoo experience, where it should have been scary and painful but was actually friendly and painless.
So yes, we're off to a good start here in good ol NH.  Today we are driving into Concord to go to the planetarium so I can do my astronomy project, so that will be fun.
As for now, I think I shall go wake Kesha up so we can start out adventures!