
Monday, October 24, 2011

Photo Memories of Last Week...

Sarah's slice mark after attempting to open a birthday package.

The fantastic birthday cake amidst the bio hazard we call our room.

Yeah, we blindfolded her.

And to begin a hopefully better week, we have a delicious smore, and are about to watch sweet home alabama.
Also, I promised that zumba update.
Well, Sarah went, even though she wasn't feeling well, and gave it a shot.  But, after a song and a half I looked over and she was gathering her stuff and booked it.  It was the booty-shaking that ran her's just not her thing.
But, it works out well because I'll go to zumba and Sarah will go upstairs to the machines and we'll be out at the same time.  Win win.
Also, our pumpkins have died.  Eeyore (Sarah's pumpkin)'s face is all moldy and is starting to cave into each other, and is growing massive mold on the inside.  Mine is also molding and caving in, but (surprise!) Sarah and I have yet to dispose of our decomposing pumpkins.  Mostly because our pumpkins are freakin heavy and we don't want to carry our giant pumpkins to the dumpsters in the middle of the day.
Also, Sarah and I are discussing the possibility of me visiting her in California, WHICH WOULD BE SO COOL.
California.  It's basically like a different country, as far as I'm concerned.
So cool.  If not over christmas break, sometime soon.
Anywho, movie time.

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