
Sunday, October 9, 2011

oh, the heat.  I hate it.  Anything about sixty-five degrees makes me just want to curl up in front of a fan and sleep.  However, despite the fact that I have a boat load of things that need to get done today, I was in church this morning and a guest pastor spoke on laziness.  Directly to me.
I'm lazy.  I watch too many movies, sleep too much, don't feel like doing what needs to be done.  But not anymore, no sir!  I'm actually motivated to lock myself in the library and get my work done, because laziness is never a good quality, in any part of life.  Who knows, I may even go to the gym later.
It's also been bangs weekend in the Sarah suite.  I was at the mall with kesh and Tibbs and decided to get my bangs back (bad timing, it's not cold enough for bangs) and then while watching a movie last night, I cut Tibby some bangs of her own.  She's a bit too shocked to appreciate them as of now (not because I messed up but because she was used to her old hair style) but soon enough she'll love em.
And I gave Kesh bangs like a month or so ago, so we just had bangs all around!  I also bought these really stellar boots that I will probably wear everywhere once the weather decides to return to October instead of freaking August.
On the plus side, 51 days till thanksgiving break, 3 until quad break, and two until the weather hits sixty again.  Joy.
Also I've been shoving my face with gluten and nothing has happened.  I almost feel better, in a way.  Who knows what's goin on.
So, I'm gonna get started on my productive day of anti-laziness.  We've got cleaning, laundry, old testament, and some examined life studying.  Those are what I absolutely plan to accomplish today, maybe even a little more if I'm feelin good.
We'll see.

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