
Saturday, January 7, 2012

So none of you are going to be ready for what I am about to tell you.
You're not going to believe or accept what I am about to say as truth.
And, five years, ten years from now, it may no longer be true.
But as of right now (get ready),
I don't think I want to have kids.
As of right now, I don't want to have kids.
I love kids.  I love babies and toddlers and even elementary age kids.  But what I've just realized is that I love returning those kids to their rightful guardians after some time.
I babysat tonight for a three month old baby girl.  A really happy, easy-going baby for only three hours.  She was really happy for almost an hour until bedtime came around and she started wailing.  She was crying, literally screaming, for probably twenty minutes.  I tried everything.  I changed her, I put her in her bouncer, her crib, her play area, nothing helped.  She finally fell asleep after I rocked her for what felt like forever, and then she woke up once I put her in her crib and started crying again.  It was a mess.  I was getting so frazzled and I just could not wait for the baby's mom to get home.
I don't want to do that.  I can't imagine being that frazzled and on edge at all hours of the night and day.  Always tiptoeing around to make sure that you don't do something to make the baby start crying and always trying to figure out how to make the baby calm down.  It brings the mother to the very edge of sanity, many jump off the edge.  I've heard of and read about so many cases when the mom literally loses her mind because the baby takes everything; physically, mentally, and emotionally and leaves the mother with a wrecked body, imbalanced hormones, and no sleep.
I don't want to completely lose myself, as well as my relationship with the baby's father because both no doubt will go down the tube after a baby comes in.
They're super cute and I love babies, but I don't want one.
Maybe I'll adopt a four year old or something, because I'll probably want some form of offspring later in life, but as of now, I do not have any desire for a baby.
This is probably really good.  I feel like my life has opened up with possibilities now that I'm not tied down with the idea of a child.
You're probably thinking about just how strange a person I am right about now and you know what, I wouldn't disagree.  I am super fickle and I change my mind all the time, but I know that if I ever marry or fall in love or whatever, I'll probably want a baby and a picket fence and the whole shabang.
But as for now, my declaration is that I don't want a baby.
However, I'm still in for a husband.
Goodnight, blog-readers.

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