
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oreos and milk is probably my favorite snack ever.
It's just delicious.  I'm babysitting, and the 13 year old boy and I are discussing his future plans over some oreos and milk.  This kid's a genius.  He's in seventh grade and has already designed several iphone apps that can be bought online, and he's also modified a bunch of games and made them a lot better.  He's a prodigy.
Anywho, today's been a scrambled and super busy day.  I got out of class at 2:50, ran to my room to get my keys, ran to my car and booked it to the house to babysit, and while I'm driving I remember that I have to pick up the oldest at her piano lesson at 3:15, which is fifteen minutes from where I am.  So i book it to their house, open my laptop for the address, punch it into my GPS and book it to get Em, then come back to the house.  And once I get here I ask the middle child where the youngest is, and of course he says he has no idea but tells me that he has a friend over as well.  So I go hunting through the house and eventually find the child across the street playing football with his friend, and I then have to call the friend's mother to set up a pick-up time.  And then another child came over to play football in the yard, and now the middle child has a friend over to explore more computer programming endeavors.  There are six kids at this house that I am responsible for at the moment.
Crazy crazy day.
Also it was a terrible day in spanish today.  I did the wrong exercise in my spanish book so when my teacher called on me for one of the answers, I could only think of a silly elementary-age answer on the spot and looked totally stupid in front of the class.  And then afterwards I asked her if she would be my faculty reference for my study abroad to Spain application, and she said no.  Very frustrating.
I have asked three teachers to be a reference and none of them have gotten back to me.
And now I have a ton of homework due tomorrow and very little time to do it.  This blog post alone has taken over a half hour to write because I've been making snacks, settling arguments, checking on active children, and communicating with the mother.  Forget trying to work on some physics problems.
And I really really really want to see the play tonight on campus, but I keep thinking of how stressed I was Tuesday when my homework took forever because I started it at like 9pm and I don't want to do that again tonight.
So, we'll see how it goes.
Oh boy is college a balancing act.

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