
Sunday, April 22, 2012

So first off, The Lucky One sucked.  Don't see it.  All of you that are thinking "I told you so" and "what did you expect?" can cool it because I expected a Nicholas Sparks masterpiece on the same level as A Walk to Remember and The Notebook.  It's hit or miss with NS movies, and The Lucky One can be tossed in the miss pile along with The Last Song.
Anywho, it's that time of year again and the panic is setting in.  I'm so anxious!  The end of the year is so close yet so far and I have so many little things to do which are just the worst because they're so small and meaningless, yet so time consuming and necessary.  And my motivation packed up and left about a week and a half ago, so it's just me fighting this battle alone.
Also, I received wonderful news the other day.
Eli is staying in Massachusetts indefinitely.  Things in Michigan are on hold for now so he's not leaving yet!!!  Also his birthday is tomorrow, but that's just a fun fact.
Anywho, I'm getting really nervous because there are so many things coming up that I need to be preparing for (projects, finals, la vida bootcamp...) and I feel like I'm not off to a good start.  I expect a lot of myself and I when things seem like they're not going well I tend to quit and run before I have the chance to fail.  So this is me not quitting nor running, but instead freaking out.
Sometimes I just want to sit with someone over tea and exclaim my frustrations on life and how hard everything is.  But then I realize that there is not a single person that doesn't endure difficulties, so I have to pretty much suck it up and move on.
Okay it's time for bed.  Goodnight!

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