
Sunday, March 11, 2012

So I'm trying to make a friend.
When I was a freshman in high school, I got into the school musical and made friends with other fellow cast members.  I started hanging out with this boy in the cast and we eventually became pretty good friends and I took him to my youth group a few times and of course, being the fourteen year old girl I was, I also had a little crush on him.  And then he asked another girl to homecoming or something silly like that, and I didn't make the play the next year and we grew apart.
But, I recently started talking to him on Facebook (where else?) and I really want to be his friend.  He was a really nice guy and he's smart and a Christian and I don't have any Christian friends outside of college.  So, I'm trying to make friends.
And I'm realizing how freaking awkward I am.  Oh well, at least I'm trying.
Anywho, break.  I am on spring break, which is so weird.  This semester is flying by so quickly, and I'm not so sure that I'm ready to start prepping for summer jobs and then SPAIN next semester.  So far, Stephanie and I drove home from school last friday, nearly dying twice (literally) and driving the last twenty miles of the trip with my gas light on.  Then I had several movie nights with my mom&Steph, and lunch with friends a few times.  I also bought two new lipsticks, which was a very exciting part of the trip.
And then tomorrow is my last day in jersey.  I'll be doing laundry, packing, cleaning, and doing homework all day.  And the Tuesday I'm spending the day in NYC with my sister, cousin, and her daughters.  And then Wednesday I head to Chicago with Laura!!!
So much going on.  I'm exciting for all the traveling but shoot am I tired just thinking about it.  I almost wish I was staying home all this week so I could just sleep and hang out...almost.
And now I'm sitting in my bed, watching the prince&me and talking to this boy who is probably dying to end the conversation.  I'm not very endearing over Facebook chat, and I can't tell if the conversation is super awkward for him, if he's indifferent, or if he wants to be my friend too.
Like I said, at least I'm trying.
But I think I shall end the conversation just in case he's leaning towards the painfully awkward side.
Just another night with the prince&me...

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