
Monday, March 26, 2012

Oh, what a bummer.  I couldn't sleep last night and consequently was super out of it today as I woke up at 8 and went to class.  I spent all morning convinced it was Friday and just now realized it's Monday and I'm out of luck.
I would give money for a nap right now.  Unfortunately I have class and then lunch and then class and then babysitting and then chapel credit and then homework.  But luckily, I can sleep in tomorrow.
Also this weather sucks.  It's super mellow and a little chilly and it's putting me to sleep.  As if I need the help.
On the plus side, the new tea my mom got me is incredible and I'm obsessed.
I have zero motivation for today.  I almost fell asleep in class this morning which never happens and I'm dreading babysitting later because all I want to do is sleeeeeeep.
So let's do some lists.
Reasons Why Today Is A Good Day:
1. I had delicious tea this morning.
2. My outfit is cute and comfy.
3. I now understand what I need to do for my advertisement campaign (a little) better.
4. I have realized that I do not want to pursue a career in advertising.
5. I'm going to make money today.
6. I'm probably going to get Starbucks today.
7. I can do my spanish homework while babysitting and therefore go to bed earlier.
8. I'm going to watch a movie and get chapel credit at the same time.
9. It's not raining.
10. It's not too hot or cold.
11. All my classes today are only an hour long.
12. It'll be over before I know it!

Yes.  Today will be good.  I go through my day with checkpoints.  For example, I'll tell myself I just need to finish this class and I'll be one step closer, or I just need to make it to Starbucks and the rest of the day will fly by.  So I'm predicting a lot of checkpoints over the next ten hours or so.
Happy Monday!

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