
Sunday, October 21, 2012

So my sister has come and gone, just as break has as well.
It was so fun, and so nice to have a bit of home here.  But now she's gone and I'm homesick once again.  Let's recap, shall we?
Wednesday night I went into Boston and picked up Heather from the bus station, and then we came to school and hung out with Tibbs and Kesha.  And we waited till midnight and celebrated Tibbs' birthday.

Kesha wrote famous quotes on 21 balloons.  
The next morning we went out for brunch at a local diner, and Sarah opened the rest of her presents from her family and friends.

And then we went to a liquor store but they wouldn't sell to her because Kesh and I were with her and underage.  So they kicked us out.

I also decorated our door with John Green quotes, her favorite author.
Also, can I just say that Mulan is so badass!?!
I'm watching Once Upon a Time, in case you can't tell.
Anywho so after brunch and liquor store and such Heather and I went downtown into Beverly and visited all of the cute consignment stores.  
And then we went to Salem for a candlelit ghost tour.
It was really really cool.  We were guided through the streets for a 45 minute walking tour, where we stopped at various haunted and historical houses and heard some back story on them and how they related to the salem witch trials.  It was really cool.  So we did that and then we returned and watched Snow White and the Huntsman.
The next day we chilled.  We watched Hocus Pocus, which is one of our favorite Halloween movies.  Also, Heather's favorite holiday (above Christmas, if you can believe it) is Halloween, so that's why we did everything related to Halloween.
So we watched Hocus Pocus and Heather passed out.  So I went to work and came back and we went out to dinner at Not Your Average Joe's, which was fun because it was pouring and we just got to chill and chat.  When we came back from dinner we decided to watch the first five episodes of Scandal, a show Heather's obsessed with.  It was awesome and now I'm hooked.  Then yesterday we went to the mall and came back and watched the rest of Scandal and all the episodes so far of the Mindy Project, which was funny because Mindy has a scary resemblance to myself.
So yeah, we had so much fun.  Heather's really really really funny so she's fun to have around.
And now I am tired.
So i shall go to sleep.

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