
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm twenty years, five months, and seventeen days old.
I have never lived on my own, never been in love, never done my own taxes...and I feel old.
I've been thinking lately about time and the rapid speed that it is running away from me.
I have two more semesters of college.  Two.
I'm not ready for a real job, an apartment, a real relationship.
I'm twenty years old and I'm so afraid of growing up.
I found these in the depths of my iPhoto today.

my sister, Tom, and I when I was thirteen.
My sister and I when I was fifteen.
Steph and I when we were seventeen.
Seventeen seems so young now.  I remember everything about this day, 'like it was yesterday'.
But it wasn't.
Time is flying.
I'm not ready for this.

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