
Friday, January 18, 2013

I should blog about Ireland.  I've been back for three days and soon the memories are going to get fuzzy.
But I'm so tired, and I'm so sad.
I miss Ireland.
I miss the feeling of living life, when I was learning about the world and having adventures and seeing the beauty of the land.
Now I'm reading PR for dummies and doing spanish homework.
I feel an existential crisis approaching.
What's the point in all this?
Would it really be that crazy if I moved to Belfast and took up a job with the Trust?
I think my main problem is that I'm bored.
School is boring.  Work is boring.  Activities are boring.
It makes me want to rebel or get a tattoo or take up some destructive habit.
I need some excitement, something to look forward to.
I may even settle for a mess to clean up.
I've been awake for 18 hours...I think that maybe all I really need is sleep.
Goodnight, friends.
Happy semester six.

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