So it's way too late/early in the morning to be blogging (it's 1:34am), but I've just had an experience that needs to be shared.
I just spent ten hours (I kid you freaking not) editing my group's short film in barrington. I decided to call it quits about a half hour ago, so I got my stuff and started walking to the parking lot. In the deserted creepy parking lot, I come across none other than a skunk.
First off, skunks are adorable.
I think that's part of their defense mechanism. They're so stinking cute (punny?) that you just want to go up and pet them, but you know that once you freak the little neurotic rodents out, they'll spray you.
There's also the idea I have that skunks and raccoons are friends, and I'm just really not as okay with raccoons because they are clever and they bite.
So conflicting.
So I see this skunk about twenty feet away from me (says my lack of depth perception), and I'm like oh my gossssssh look at that cute little thing scuttle around. Oh wait. Towards me.
No bueno.
So I instantly panic and run around the little shack/building that my car is parked behind. And when I turn the corner, Mr. Skunk is there.
I am not making this up.
He was legitimately ten feet away from me.
I was convinced I was done for, and I was mentally preparing myself for how I would get the smell out of my backpack, and wondering if it would soak through to my belongings.
So we had a stare-down.
We stared at each other for maybe five or six seconds, and then he turned and I ran, fearing the worst. When I looked back I saw that he too was running away from me.
So turns out we were both terrified of each other.
And he didn't spray me.
And I ran the whole way to my car.
And now I'm parked in 15 minute parking because that is the second skunk I have seen in three days on this campus (and I have not been out much) and I will have a stroke if I meet another skunk while coming back from Woodland.
So yes, I'll trade in the skunk pee for some parking tickets please.
Anywho, I clearly need some sleep.
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