
Friday, December 23, 2011

I got back from Pennington to see my cousins today and have been cleaning ever since because my Grandma and my uncles are coming down from Michigan for Christmas for the first time since I was super little.  Actually, my one uncle has never been to our house.  It's the first christmas without my Grandpa, so I guess everyone's decided to switch stuff around.
Anywho, I had a lot of fun with my family today and yesterday.  I got to my aunt's house yesterday afternoon and we made peppermint bark with my cousins and aunt and then Sal, my aunt, and I went out to dinner in Princeton while Francesca was at a sleepover.
Salvatore and I finished the night with a movie (Cowboys&Aliens), and the next morning we made milkshakes as always, packed up, and I headed home.
Upon returning, Lucia informed me that the 'get together' of literally four people that I had been informed about previously has grown into a party involving everyone and their mother-literally.  She had texted most of my friends (how she has their numbers, I do not know) and invited them as well as their families and all her friends and some other obscure people.  It'll be a lot of fun, I just wasn't expecting such a production on this Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve, by the way, is my most favorite day of the entire year.  Everyone is so festive and you don't get hated on for going overboard on the Christmas spirit because everyone is pumped.  The anticipation for Christmas is better in my opinion than Christmas itself.  Anywho, I'm excited to have everyone together and enjoy some delicious christmas cookies which I have likely destroyed with the excessive amount of icing I have been using to decorate them.
Anywho, I'm going to get some sleep because I have to get my sister from the airport tomorrow which will likely be the most stressful part of the week.

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