
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Update: while watching a commercial during mythbusters with the youngest, he suddenly throws his head back and says ahh, I love degree men.  So fresh.
I almost died.  These kids are so funny.
And then the other boy just asked me to guess his batting average in his little baseball game on his ipod is, and, having no idea what a probably batting average would be, I said a hundred and five, to which he was very offended and asked me if I thought he was a failure.
That's the last time I answer one of those questions!

Also this show is pretty stupid.  I mean, it's a suitable choice for kids because it's clean and creative, but I'm just not into it.  And it's a treat for these  kids to be watching this, because they're not allowed to watch tv during the week, but since the youngest doesn't have school tomorrow due to parent-teacher conferences, he and the other kids are permitted to watch mythbusters if they choose, but nothing else.
So, mythbusters it is.  And on the plus side, both kids have their homework done and are cooperating and getting along and the couch I'm sitting on is pretty much heavenly.
It's one of those couches that wrap around the perimeter of the room, and it's super cushy and soft and I swear this thing is heated.  I'm sitting in the corner seat, so I'm basically just curled up in a pile of cushy warmth.  Such joy.
What a lovely day, however I'm not seeing any homework being done this afternoon...

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