
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The last 24 hours need to be explained.
Or rather, recorded.
Because they were weird.
So things were crazy with my schedule yesterday.  I went to class and found out in class that Kesh, Lizard, Tibbs, and I got an apartment for next semester!  Liz's friend Kitty will also be living with us, and I'm so so excited.
After class I went to my professor's office and filmed him for a bit and then got lunch.  After lunch I went to my room with Kesh and tried to figure out a budget for next semestr (fail), and then I had to go pick up Jack from school.  So after that I got dinner with Kesh, and then I ran around like a crazy person trying to find two people to help Ari and I film that night (fail).
Before I knew it it was time to begin filming (8pm).
Our goal was to get to the train station before 8:25 so we could film the train leaving, but on the way there we realized Ari was out of gas so we had to stop, and consequently missed the train.  Also, at the last minute (literally, as we were about to pull out of Gordon) a Gordon student Ari met a week ago said he'd help us with sound, so we got to go pick him up and take him with us and our actors.
Anywho we missed the train, but it was fine because another one came like twenty minutes later.  Ari's other friend, Ronnie, met us at the train station as well to help, so that was fantastic.
Filming was really good and really stressful because it was dark, Ari and I were tired, and we both film very different ways.  I like to reshoot every shot about four times before moving on and Ari likes to be very precise in one shoot and wrap it and move on.  But it worked out, I'd say.  We got a lot of really good shots, and we even recruited some guys on the street to act for one scene.  We began filming about 8:15, and we wrapped at 11:30.  Then we all went to McDonald's to feed our cast and crew, and then we went back to Gordon to drop Olivia and Pierre, our actors, off at their dorms.  The rest of us (Ari and her friends Ronnie and Josh) decided to take a break and chill together before going on to edit.
So we decide to take Josh's hookah to a nearby soccer field and smoke.
So we go, and we do.  The boys were so funny and we all had a lot of fun getting to know each other and being goofy.  It was such a fun time, driving around and smoking and laughing and talking with good people you don't know.
By the way, did you know that smoking hookah in a soccer field is totally legal?
I didn't.
While we were sitting there a police car drove up and said hello, and Josh said hey and that we were smoking some hookah.  The officer asked if we were from Gordon, we said yes, and he chuckled and told us to have a good night.
So we did.
And at two am, while laying on the pavement talking and looking at the moon, we decided it was time to go back and get to editing.
So we dropped the boys off, and Ari and I went to CVS to get some coffee/soda/snacks for editing.  When we returned to Gordon, around 2:40am I run into my room and change out of my wet clothes (we had been sitting on wet pavement at the field) and took out my contacts, and on we go to Barrington to begin editing.
Except it was locked.
So we call GoPo.
And they tell us that we aren't permitted in without a written note after 2am.
News to us.
So i go back to my room and sleep for two hours, got up at 5:30 and walked to the lab and edited for three hours till my class at 9am.
Went to class.
Went to chapel.
Got lunch.
Now I'm going to take a shower and go to my three hour class.
After class I have a panel for sustainability to go to for chapel credit, and then a meeting with my floor.
And then I can sleep, I suppose.
Unless I have homework due tomorrow.
I haven't even checked.

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